We are back to square one, sort of. Most European governments decided to close all non essential businesses to bring the Covid insidents down.
These are challenging times for all of us. We don't know how this one ends, but we have to retain our optimism, the retention of hope and staying motivated.
Find hereunder few tips since extra stress and anxiety is the last thing we need.
- Accept there is no "normal" and adjust yourself in the new circumstances.
- Have a positive attitude.
- Adopt a pet and make it part of your family.
- Deal with the worrying and talk about it with friends.
- Turning off the news when increases your stress and anxiety.
- Limit your social media exposure & consumption.
- Act with kindness and grace.
- Spend time with your family.
- Keep your body moving.
- Keep in touch with your friends, partners and society.
- Eat healthy and regain energy.
- Spend time doing your favourite hobby.
- Listen to music, create your daily quarantine playlist.
- View movies you missed in the past.
Please have in mind that no matter what you are reading, hear and no matter how demanding this period will be, there is always light at the end of the tunel.
We would be grateful to receive commends and tips from you.
The Original Vintage Team
#covidbattle #staysafe #weareallinthistogether